Lifestyle Coaching Skills Builds Bridges to Baptism

Lifestyle Coaching Skills Builds Bridges to Baptism

Source: The Health Connection Newsletter | 4th Quarter 2021 General Conference Health Ministries During the COVID-19 pandemic, many people have considered changing their lifestyle choices to experience better health and strengthen their immune system. Perhaps more than ever before, this has opened a window of opportunity for ministering through comprehensive health ministry. Behavior change is…

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Addiction Recovery Training Launched in New Zealand

Source: The Health Connection Newsletter | 4th Quarter 2021 New Zealand Pacific Union| South Pacific Division On November 6-14, New Zealand Pacific Union (NZPUM) hosted the Adventist Recovery Ministries Journey to Wholeness training. According to Ann Johansen, addiction counselor in New Zealand, addictions have been an ongoing issue in New Zealand as it is around…

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First International Congress on Health Promotion

Source: The Health Connection Newsletter | 4th Quarter 2021 New Zealand Pacific Union| South Pacific Division On November 6-14, New Zealand Pacific Union (NZPUM) hosted the Adventist Recovery Ministries Journey to Wholeness training. According to Ann Johansen, addiction counselor in New Zealand, addictions have been an ongoing issue in New Zealand as it is around…

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Hospital and Local Church Partner to Share Hope

Source: The Health Connection Newsletter | 4th Quarter 2021 Denver, Colorado, United States | NAD Douglas County in Denver, Colorado, has the highest cost of living anywhere in the state, where poverty is sometimes hidden but growing. Many have faced financial strain for years and it became especially hard during this pandemic. In order to…

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Reaffirming Adventist Church Response to COVID-19

This document has been produced by the General Conference Administration, Biblical Research Institute, General Conference Health Ministries, Public Affairs and Religious Liberty Department, General Conference Office of General Counsel, and Loma Linda University Health. It builds on the immunization statement voted in April 2015 and affirms both this latter statement, and the information on the…

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Addiction Recovery Training for Church Planting Teams

Source: The Health Connection Newsletter | 3rd Quarter 2021 Manaus and São Paulo, Brazil | SAD During the COVID-19 pandemic, a marked increase in the use of substances and other addictions has been noted among all ages. In an effort to meet that need, two church plants in Brazil ministering to people’s felt needs hosted…

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Regular Family Health and Fitness Programs Make a Difference

Source: The Health Connection Newsletter | 3rd Quarter 2021 Virtual | Southern Asia Pacific (SSD) The Southern Asia-Pacific Division has implemented regular educational meetings on family health and fitness during this time of Pandemic. Hundreds attended the virtual programs that focused on fitness and healthy choices to prevent disease and promote wellbeing. These meetings occurred…

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Youth Alive Keeps Youth Engaged Through the Pandemic

Source: The Health Connection Newsletter | 3rd Quarter 2021 Albania, Lithuania, Thailand | TED and SSD Youth and young adults have struggled during this pandemic when they could not connect with their peers or attend small group meetings in person. The result has been increased symptoms of depression, anxiety and substance use. Youth Alive leaders…

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Lifestyle Coaching Comes to the Middle-East

Source: The Health Connection Newsletter | 3rd Quarter 2021 Middle-East North-Africa Union (MENAU) Lifestyle change is a process that can be difficult. Recognizing the value of health coaches can be crucial for success. Many health professionals, global mission pioneers, Health Ministries director and volunteers from the Middle-East North-Africa Union attended the Lifestyle Coaching Skills training…

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Local Church Saves Lives Responding to a COVID-19 Crisis

Brazil has been severely hit during the pandemic, and the city of Manaus had some of the worse death rates in the country. In January 2021 hospitals were full and basic equipment such as oxygen was lacking. People were sent home without hope.

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Health Leaders Empowered for Comprehensive Health Ministry

Since the pandemic started in 2020, Israel Field (IF) Health Ministry director Oksana Stoyanova, realized people had many questions about accurate health information. This brough immense opportunities for health education and outreach.

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Global Campmeeting

The very first global virtual campmeeting took place from May 21-25, 2021. Originally meant to be used for the live GC Session which was postponed to 2022, the online platform was adapted to bring together thousands of people to worship, learn, access resources and network with one another.

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Equipping Leaders in Palliative Care

From May 21-23, ESD Health Ministries and Angelia Clinic (Ukraine) sponsored a virtual conference themed “Outpatient Palliative Care: More days to live, more life to days!” In many countries, relatives and even health practitioners are unable to provide the comfort and competent care needed by seriously ill loved ones in their last moments.

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GC Health Ministries Launched a Lifestyle Coaching Workshop Online

A Lifestyle Coaching Skills (LCS) virtual workshop was launched by the GC Health Ministries department in February 2021. Coaching skills have been recognized as a critically helpful tool in supporting people during lifestyle change.

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Addiction Recovery Training Goes Virtual in Kazakhstan

On March 14-18, 2021 the Southern Union Mission of the Euro-Asia Division hosted a virtual Adventist Recovery Ministries Global training in collaboration with GC Health Ministries. The facilitator training brought together pastors, health professionals, health leaders and volunteers passionate about ministering to people struggling with addictions and unhealthy compulsive behaviors.

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SOZO Health Retreats Foster Life Transformation

The North New South Wales (NNSW) Conference Health Ministries department launched the SoZo Health retreat as a model to assist people in lifestyle change. The retreat normally takes place in a hotel or spa with about 12-15 participants and 15-20 program volunteers.

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Adventist School of Medicine in East Africa Welcomes Students

The Adventist School of Medicine of East Africa (ASOME) officially opened its doors to welcome its first students on March 10, 2021. Placed in the Adventist University of Central Africa, Kigali, Rwanda, the school has enrolled 34 students in the first class, with 12 females and 22 males.

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COVID-19 Vaccines: Addressing Concerns, Offering Counsel

By: General Conference Health Ministries Department, General Conference Biblical Research Institute, and Loma Linda University School of Pharmacy and School of Public Health Seventh-day Adventists look to the coming of Christ as the great culmination of history and an end of all disease, suffering, and death. At the same time, we have been entrusted with…

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Health Ministries Advisories

On September 21-22, 2021 the General Conference Health Ministries (GCHM) department held its first division advisory for the quinquennium under the theme I will Go Sharing Wholeness Serving All via zoom. Division Health Ministries leaders representing the 13 divisions and 3 fields of the General Conference attended, eager to learn about the I will Go quinquennium theme.

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COVID-19 & Future Pandemics Symposium

Source: The Health Connection Newsletter | 4th Quarter 2020 Chiapas, Mexico | Inter-America Division (IAD) How do we prepare ourselves for a future pandemic? This was one of many questions discussed at a virtual symposium in September 2021. The discussion was virtual but the concerns are real. The event was organized by the of the…

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