Source: The Health Connection Newsletter | 1st Quarter 2021
General Conference Health Ministries
A Lifestyle Coaching Skills (LCS) virtual workshop was launched by the GC Health Ministries department in February 2021. Coaching skills have been recognized as a critically helpful tool in supporting people during lifestyle change. The LCS workshop was first launched in 2019 during the Global Conference of Health and Lifestyle with increased interest for it around the world. The pandemic made live training sessions impossible. Thanks to a collaboration with the Institute of World Mission and GC Health Ministries “the training is now built on an excellent virtual educational platform that focuses on mission outreach,” shared Dr. Katia Reinert, the course coordinator. “In less than one month since the course was launched, over 200 people globally have registered and completed the online course,” she reported. LifeStart Health was the first organization to bring it for their members on February7-11, 2021. Then the Middle-East North Africa Union (MENAU) introduced it for their territory with two training sessions (February 21-25 and March 21-25). One MENAU participant reported, “In the present situation [no travel], this was one of the best online trainings I have attended.” Another participant from LifeStart Health shared, “I really appreciate this program. I am now equipped to take the final message of salvation and the health message to others in a more effective way.” See for more information on future courses.