Source: The Health Connection Newsletter | 1st Quarter 2021
New South Wales, Australia | South Pacific Division (SPD)
The North New South Wales (NNSW) Conference Health Ministries department launched the SoZo Health retreat as a model to assist people in lifestyle change. The retreat normally takes place in a hotel or spa with about 12-15 participants and 15-20 program volunteers. The SoZo Health Retreat goal is to bring restoration of body, mind, and spirit. It is a complete health approach shown to have long term results in just eight days. “We are fortunate to have other experienced professionals in our team working on our pilots as well as reviewing protocols, such as Bruce Thompson, a renowned physiotherapist in Australia and author of the website now used worldwide as a reference guide for hydrotherapy treatments,” reported Camila Ito Staf, NNSW Conference Health Ministries director and SOZO Health coordinator. Local teams receive training and become ready to serve together running programs in their area every year. This is “an inclusive mission project that unites health professionals and lay people while enabling us to offer an opportunity for practical training for health professionals seeking to be involved in mission,” shared Camila. The last SoZo retreat was held in February 2021, and now the retreats have become a fully sustainable ministry. This model will soon be launched by the GC Health Ministries department for use around the world under the name Enliven Wellness. Stay tuned!