Source: The Health Connection Newsletter | 4th Quarter 2021
New Zealand Pacific Union| South Pacific Division
On November 6-14, New Zealand Pacific Union (NZPUM) hosted the Adventist Recovery Ministries Journey to Wholeness training. According to Ann Johansen, addiction counselor in New Zealand, addictions have been an ongoing issue in New Zealand as it is around the world, but with COVID-19 the number of people trying to deal with depression, anxiety, losses and other mental/emotional issues has increased, and used substances as a way to cope, leading to increased addictions. The NZPUM health director, Adrielle Carrasco, believes addiction recovery is one of the greatest needs in the community. “The church is well positioned to offer this and make an impact,” she said. During the training several participants shared their own story of recovery and how they found a new life in Christ by working through the 12 steps. Some were already holding groups, and all were looking forward to fostering these welcoming newcomers.