Kenya | African Divisions (ECD, WAD, SID) The 7th Adventist AIDS-HIV International Ministry (AAIM) Tri-Division Advisory was held at the East Central Africa Division (ECD) Headquarters in Nairobi, Kenya, on July 1-6, 2018. The theme “AAIM- Help for Today and Hope for Tomorrow” was chosen to create acute awareness that this ministry is not only to take care of the basic everyday living needs among those affected by HIV, but also to give each individual an opportunity for eternity. According to Dr. Alex Laguno, AAIM Director, originally structured for about 60 to 70 participants targeting all the AAIM coordinators of all the unions in the three African divisions, the number swelled to 110 from East, West-Central and South Africa-Indian Ocean divisions, indicating the keen interest and ardent desire of many to be part of the compassionate, loving, merciful and grace-filled ministry. Collaborators and presenters were from ADRA and GC Health Ministry teams as well as representatives of the ministry of health. Some highlights were the expansion of AAIM into schools and the partnership with ADRA and Youth Alive. The fervent prayer of the organizers is that all who participated will continue to bless those they minister to with joy and vision.
Tri-Division AAIM Congress
September 28, 2018
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