A new course designed to train and encourage health students who are not studying at Adventist universities was launched in March 2015. This pilot project, organized by the Argentinian Union and Buenos Aires Conference in collaboration with the Health Ministries Department of the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, attracted much attention when all 35 places were quickly filled. During 9 days, 20 health professionals from the Adventist University del Plata, Belgrano Adventist Clinic, Centro de Vida Sana and other institutions and organizations presented the latest medical information that supports the Adventist health message. God´s purpose for them was clearly shown from the Bible and the Spirit of Prophecy. Practical work included how to organize health expos and other community outreach projects. Students also participated in a week-long series of public meetings on issues such as mental health and spirituality.
This course was greatly blessed. “I am really touched by the missionary commitment of these students, as well as the health professionals who took part in the course. I believe that this initiative should continue to grow in our field” says Pastor Carlos Gil, President of the Argentinian Union of Seventh-day Adventists. There may be well over 4,000 Adventist students in health courses–medicine, nursing, psychology, nutrition, physical therapy and others–who are studying in non-Adventist universities in South America alone. Most of them are studying health because they felt called by God to dedicate their lives in service to Him and humankind. We need to help them fulfill their calling. They may never work in a Church institution but God called them to be missionaries in whatever setting they may find themselves in–an Adventist hospital, a private clinic, a public hospital or in a government position. This course has raised the interest of Brazilian and Chilean Church leaders and talks are under way to have similar programs in those countries in 2016.