Female Genital Mutilation (Feb 6)

Articles December 23, 2024

Source: The Health Connection Newsletter | 4th Quarter 2024

Since 2012, the UN General Assembly has designated February 6th as the International Day of Zero Tolerance for Female Genital Mutilation to amplify and direct the efforts to eliminate this practice by 2030. Abuse comes in many forms, and female genital mutilation is one of them. The Seventh-day Adventist Church has spoken against all forms of abuse through its ENDITNOW initiative for over two decades. Because female genital mutilation threatens physical, emotional, and relational health, Adventists are opposed to this practice. The church has created a statement about female genital mutilation and recommends that its departments share it widely. Access the statement at https://bit.ly/3VNehmt. Learn more at https://bit.ly/49PSQ9Z