Master’s in Health and Mission
Adventist University, Chile | South American Division (SAD)
The Adventist University of Chile (UNACH) Seminary is partnering with the GC Health Ministry department in offering a graduate program in Mission with a focus on Health. January 2019 was the second year that students experienced intensive classes covering healthy lifestyles, mental health, addiction prevention and recovery, as well as other core mission content. Twenty-three motivated students, mostly pastors along with three healthcare professionals, have found the blended focus of the course critical for their ministry and also deeply helpful in their own life. “This has been one of the best courses I have had in seminary,” said a student, “I wish all pastors could be exposed to this content.” The Adventist Health Professionals Association of Chile had their annual meeting at UNACH during the same time and seminary students took advantage of the rich presentations that focused on depression and suicide. Part of the course requirement in this Health and Mission Master’s program is for the graduate students enrolled to plan and implement mission projects using comprehensive health ministry tools with a wholistic focus to bless the communities and regions they serve.