Johannesburg, South Africa | Southern Africa-Indian Ocean Division (SID)
Nearly 400 attendees attended the first Division-wide Health Summit sponsored by the Southern Africa-Indian Ocean Division (SID). They came from dozens of countries, enthusiastic to learn and share best practices in health ministry. Dr. Bangwato Sikwa, SID Health Ministries director, ensured a variety of foundational topics and resources were included in the workshops and plenary sessions, with special focus on addiction prevention and recovery. One of the largest workshops was the Adventist Recovery Ministries Global (ARMin Global) training that went through the three days of the Summit. Over 100 people attended, looking to learn the skills to start a Christ-centered 12-step recovery meeting at their local churches and communities. One attendee wrote, “the program opened our eyes to see that we are all addicted, I was also able to identify my addiction for the first time.” Another stated, “it was an eye-opening training. We shall never be the same. We believe that by God’s grace we will be able to carry this God’s mission if we do it in the name of Jesus, starting with ourselves so to be able to help others.”