Melatonin: Is It Safe?

Melatonin: Is It Safe?

Q: I have heard that melatonin is good for sleep disorders. Is it safe to take, and is it effective? A: Melatonin is produced by a part of the brain known as the pineal gland. It appears that its function is to keep the body’s internal events synchronized with the changes between light and dark (night…

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Christ’s Method Alone: Comprehensive Health Minisitry (127-13G )

“And Jesus went about all the cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues, and preaching the gospel of the kingdom, and healing every sickness and every disease among the people.”—Matt 9:35 Jesus calls every member of His Church to embrace His mission of loving service for others. As His people meet the physical, mental, social,…

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Importance of Cancer Aftercare

Q: I am 72 years old, and have a history of cancer (ovarian and histiocytoma in my leg). Five years ago I had a mastectomy, and I have scar tissue from the surgery. A few months ago I developed pink scar tissue in the area where the staple was pulled out. Within the pink scar tissue…

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Q: Ever since my babies were born four years ago, I have been troubled with hemorrhoids. My problem is that in the past couple of months I have noted bleeding. My husband is pressuring me to go for a checkup. Is this necessary? A: Hemorrhoids are varicose veins below the anal mucosa that can bulge through…

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FactSheet: Nondairy Beverages

Soy milk was first developed in the U.S. by Dr. John Harvey Kellogg, who was the inventor of cornflakes and granola and head of the Battle Creek Sanitarium for more than 50 years.  A student of Kellogg’s, Dr. Harry W. Miller, took Kellogg’s knowledge of soy milk with him to China. Miller developed processes to…

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FactSheet: Detox Diets

Introduction: Detox diets, cleansing diets, and other procedures that claim to remove toxins from the body have become popular in recent decades. Celebrity doctors, media personalities, and next-door neighbors promote the idea that specialized combinations of juices, herbs, and supplements can help people lose weight and treat a wide range of conditions without the use…

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FactSheet: Vegetarian Diets

For over 150 years Adventists have advocated a vegetarian diet for good health. The original diet given to us by the Creator was a vegetarian diet consisting of various plant foods. Scientific evidence accumulated over the past half century has shown conclusively that a well-balanced vegetarian diet is not only nutritionally adequate but also conveys…

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FactSheet: Paleo Diets / Low Carb High Fat Diets

The Paleo Diet (PD) is a trendy weight loss diet that’s popular in magazines, diet books, websites and cookbooks.  It is also known as the Stone Age, Paleolithic or hunter-gatherer diet.  The PD is essentially a low carbohydrate, high fat diet, similar to the low carb Atkins Diet of a few years ago. The PD…

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Fact Sheet: Vitamin B12 for the Vegetarian

Why is vitamin B12 important? Vitamin B12 is an essential nutrient, required for DNA synthesis (and ultimately cell division), maturation of red blood cells, and the synthesis of myelin sheaths around nerves in the body. Sources of vitamin B12: Vitamin B12 is of special interest to vegetarians, particularly total vegetarians, since it is found only…

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Fact Sheet: Safety of Soy–Myths and Facts

Summary Despite the fear mongering about soy via the internet, there is overwhelming scientific evidence that soy foods can be part of a healthy balanced diet.  Soy foods have anti-inflammatory properties and they lower LDL cholesterol levels, blood pressure levels in hypertensives, and also reduce the risk of some cancers.  They improve kidney function and…

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Fact Sheet: Coconut Oil–A Miracle Food?

In western countries and those countries influenced by western eating habits, coconut oil has recently risen to superfood status. Coconut oil has invaded our supermarkets, with barely a food or drink category untouched.  Various claims have been made for different coconut products, such as coconut milk, virgin coconut oil, and coconut cream. In particular, coconut…

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Cold Weather Exercise

Q: With the winter coming, I find it more difficult to get out to exercise. Do you have any ideas? A: We have great empathy with you—exercise requires motivation even in the finest weather. As winter approaches, outdoor activities become more challenging, especially in the northern climes. Whatever our environment, it is important to know the…

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Cesarean Sections

Q: My daughter lives in Brazil, and she tells me it is fashionable to have cesarean section rather than natural childbirth. What do you say? A: We are men, so we could get into deep trouble on this one. Those “funny” letters behind our names are Canadian and South African qualifications, and the ones behind Handysides…

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Breast Cancer Questions

Q: I was diagnosed with and treated in the standard way for breast cancer. My friends have given me a lot of advice, which has varied from the standard medical approach to the exotic. What can you tell me that can assist me in the post-treatment phase of my breast cancer? A: We are very pleased…

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Best Fats or Oils

Q: What fats or oils are the best for me to use? I am trying to improve my family’s diet by methodically implementing changes in what I buy. A: You are the kind of mom who is so wise by making incremental changes that your family will hardly notice, yet will do them so much good.…

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Benign Breast Lumps

Q: I am 35 years old, and have had a history of lumps in my breast. The doctors have told me that I have “benign breast disease.” My concern is that I have an aunt who had breast cancer. Should I be worried? A: As much as we would like to completely reassure you, we can…

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Bariatric Surgery

Q: I am overweight. I lost 50 pounds, and I am still 50 pounds overweight. The terrible thing is, I am starting to gain the weight again, and I’m terrified. I exercise, but it seems I would need to do three or four hours a day to keep the weight off. I have a friend…

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Alzheimer’s Disease

Q: I am concerned that the number of people with Alzheimer’s disease or dementia is increasing. I have also heard that the popular cholesterol-lowering drugs called statins may decrease the chances of getting Alzheimer’s. I find that I sometimes struggle to remember words or names; should I be worried, and should I ask my physician…

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World Day for Prevention Of Violence Against Children (Nov 19)

Source: The Health Connection Newsletter | 3rd Quarter 2019 Violence against children includes all forms of violence against people under 18 years old. For infants and younger children, violence mainly involves child maltreatment (i.e. physical, sexual and emotional abuse and neglect) at the hands of parents and other authority figures. Boys and girls are at…

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A Blessed Time

Source: The Health Connection Newsletter | 3rd Quarter 2019 July 9 through 14, 2019 saw 900 delegates from 106 countries converge on Loma Linda University to attend the third Global Conference on Health and Lifestyle. During the five and a half days, there were more than 30 plenary presentations, 22 breakout sessions, music, worship, exercise,…

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