Brazil Equips Leaders in Addiction Recovery

News November 28, 2023

Source: The Health Connection Newsletter | 2nd Quarter 2023

São Paulo, Brazil | Central Brazilian Union | South American Division

Pastors, health professionals, and lay church members gathered at the Adventist Training Center in Cotia, São Paulo, from March 9-10, 2023 for the Journey to Wholeness Addiction Recovery training. Nearly 180 participants across the Union came together for the first time to explore how best to support those hurting from emotional trauma, addictions, unhealthy obsessions, and compulsions. The event was organized by the Central Brazilian Union Health Ministries department with the support of the South American Division introducing the newly translated manuals and the recovery version of the book Steps to Christ. Conference Health Ministries directors attended, bringing teams of people passionate to minister needs of hurting people. Those already involved in addiction recovery shared their experience, inspiring others. Among the facilitators were Dr. Cesar Vasconcelos, psychiatrist and host of the ClearMind [ClaraMente} program at Hope Channel Brazil, Dr. Katia Reinert from the GC Health Ministries, Pr. Bruno Raso, SAD Health Ministries, Dr. Rogerio Gusmão from the São Paulo Adventist Hospital, as well as Pr. Mauricio and Pr. Marcelo Carvalho from the Union. Attendees left inspired to practice the lessons learned and begin support groups in their territory.