Quarantine came to Ukraine suddenly, bringing hard decisions on how to survive with our young team of 37 workers in Angelia Adventist medical center in Kiev. We have outpatient and inpatient services in mental health, neurology, family medicine, and dental care. Because of quarantine limitations, patients’ flow and financial status became significantly decreased. We had to make some difficult decisions. First, to prevent cuts on staff everyone agreed to receive half their normal salary. As a result no one lost their job and everybody is working full time. It has been difficult, but God is providing and answering our prayers for donations. Second, in an effort to help patients with low income we offered 50-100 percent discounts. This provided a flow of patients and work for our staff. Third, we made available an express COVID-19 test for everyone. More than one hundred people were tested per day. Fourth, we offered helped our community by providing protective equipment (masks, gloves, antiseptics). As of June 24, we have shared 3063 PPE protection kits for 1300 neighbors, 108 police officers, and 45 medical emergency people. God has sent resources for us and we have shared with others. Finally, amidst it all, we have also been able to assist a boarding school for girls with Down Syndrome in our district that was hard hit with 55 percent of the students and staff of this institution being diagnosed with COVID-19. We sent them 25 protection suits, masks, and respirators. God is good all the time. We feel grateful for His care and for the opportunity to serve. —Yuri Bondarenko, CEO, Angelia Adventist Medical Center, Ukraine.
Kiev, Ukraine | Euro-Asia Division (ESD)