Theological Seminary and Adventist Clinic Build Strategic Alliance Adventist University, Peru | South American Division (SAD)
The Peruvian Union University Theological Seminary has established an alliance with the Good Hope Seventh-day Adventist Clinic to carry out Health Expos in different places of the city of Lima, Peru. On Sunday April 28, a first experience was held in a shopping center south of Lima, a sector where a new church is planned. A team of health professionals was led by the general director of the Clinic, Dr. Norca Huamalies. They organized a Health Expo with the support of a team of 25 students from the Faculty of Theology, led by their dean, Dr. Walter Alaña. Leaders of the local Conference also offered their support. An average of 100 people were served and most of them signed up to receive information on future programs that promote a healthy lifestyle. On Saturday, May 4, all of them received a home visit and were given a missionary book on Healthy Families. “We are sure that this alliance between the Faculty of Theology and the Clinic Good Hope will be an important support for evangelism in Metropolitan Lima,” affirmed Dr. Alaña.