Share Facts With Hope and Positive Choices

Articles September 28, 2018
  • Forgiveness helps us to live longer.  After analyzing data from the Religion, Aging and Health Survey of over 1,200 people over the age of 25, researchers found that an attitude of forgiveness toward others is associated with a decreased risk for all-cause mortality. Nearly everyone has been hurt by the actions or words of another.  But in holding grudges, we may be the one who pays most dearly with higher levels of anxiety, hypertension, depression, substance abuse and more. On the other hand, “forgiving one another, even as God for Christ’s sake hath forgiven you” (Ephesians 32: 4:31) will lead you down the path of physical, emotional and spiritual well-being. Start the process of forgiveness today. (video 18).


  • Having a pet might lower your risk of heart disease. A review of previous studies on the influence of pets on human health found that pet owners tend to have lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels, stress, and incidence of obesity. One study of over 5,200 adults showed that dog owners were 54 percent more likely to reach recommended levels of physical activity. As you consider your leisure time activities, think about the loving relationship you have with your dog.  Not only can pets pull at your heartstrings, but they improve your heart health so that you will live a longer and happier life. (video 19).


  • Religious people live longer. Ohio State University scientists have examined two samples of more than 1,600 obituaries looking for religion, marital status and social activities. They found that religious people lived an average of 5.64 years longer than nonbelievers. When controlled for gender and marital status the advantage was 3.82 years. Religious values, prayer and meditation, and volunteerism may all help contribute to this advantage. How is your religious life? Involvement in religious groups may extend your life!


  • Marijuana addiction growing. A Pew Charitable Trust investigation found that marijuana addiction does exist and is growing. While hard numbers are hard to come by, data suggests about 9 percent of all users become addicted to marijuana (17 percent among those who start as adolescents). Some treatment centers report increases in those requesting help which may be due to higher concentrations of THC levels. Selective breeding has increased the potency today to 20-30 percent, up from 2-4 percent several decades ago. It is estimated that 2.7 million Americans are dependent on marijuana. The best policy is to never start, but if you are dependent, get qualified help immediately.

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