NOTE: For the most recent updates on this situation, please visit the Sloop Blog. Thank you.
Sadly, after more than a week of being missing in Kiev, Dr. Jay Sloop has not been found. The Sloop family is requesting that those who choose could fast and pray that this mystery can be solved. All that possibly can be done humanly is being done. Only God knows, and members of His family around the world are earnestly seeking His will.
Greg Sloop, the youngest son, wrote last evening: “Continue to pray for us, and for the involvement of the police – we could so use their help, now as much as ever. Pray for wisdom and that we would find God’s way, not our way. Pray for those who have influence over the police and other government resources. And pray for each of the wonderful volunteers who have sacrificed so much of their time and energy. We’d have practically nothing without the kind-hearted people of Ukraine.”
All we can do is join them in this request. Thank you.