Source: The Health Connection Newsletter | 4th Quarter 2018
Floods, fires, wars of words and weapons, intolerance and hatred abounded throughout 2018. We are now another year closer to the return of our Lord. The earth is growing old like a garment and people rush across the face of the earth–defying time and distance but conquering neither.
A new year is upon us. This is a time when we make resolutions to be more measured, to take more care, to exercise more, eat less, pray more and spend more time at the feet of Jesus. It is good to take stock and plan to make positive changes. Our lifestyle affects our total well-being, for we are wholistic beings with mental, physical, spiritual, emotional, and relational dimensions.
World-renowned HarvardscholarDr.David Williams presented the keynote address, drawing on his formidable expertise on health outcomes as they relate to mental health, spirituality, and often-ignored health disparities. Dr. Gary Fraser, principle investigator of the Adventist Health Study 2, presented on the latest outcomes, looking not only at the positive physical outcomes, but also quality of life and mental health benefits. The meetings featured, nursing, mental health, and health administrator tracks as well as an addiction-recovery training opportunity, to name some. A ‘first’ for the Global conference is our partnering with the Special
Needs Ministries initiative was led by Larry Evans, with dedicated break-out times and an additional optional full-day program on Sunday.
The theory is fascinating but hear how lifestyle impacts practical living and ministry. Hear firsthand how lives are changing, and dreams are being realized! Hear historian and raconteur Jim Nix highlight the rich heritage of the beginnings of Loma Linda University–especially fitting as we rapidly move toward Loma Linda Vision 2020 and opening of the new hospital.