Source: The Health Connection Newsletter | 2nd Quarter 2022
Australian Union | South – Pacific Division (SPD)
On May 27 – 30, 2022, the Australian Union in the South – Pacific Division br ought together pastors, health professionals, and health ministry directors representing various conferences and groups to attend the Lifestyle Coaching Skills training in person at Avondale University in New South Wales. The Workshop was co-hosted by the North New South Wales Conference and Sydney Conference with participants who have longed for tools to expand the impact of health programs in their churches and communities. The workshop was taught by Dr. Katia Reinert , GC Health Ministries associate director who coordinates the launching of this Coaching workshop around the world. At the end of the training , participants were enthusiastic about putting into practice in their various areas of ministry. Then on May 30, leaders from across all unions participated on the train – the – trainer workshop taught Dr. Reinert, so those who were trained could now train others in their territory. Pr. Tom, from Western Australia who attended both workshops, stated enthusiastically that he would fly back and go see his Conference President to share that all pastors should be trained in Lifestyle Coaching as it not only helps in making Health outreach more effective but can have a major positive impact in church ministry as a whole. “ It is our hope that coaching can become part of our culture of the various health ministry programs currently being promoted in our territory,” affirmed Camila Ito Staff and Christiana Leimena, Health Directors for the hosting conferences. We hope that our entire territory will take hold of these principles in every church, conference and union of the SPD, said Geraldine Przybylko, SPD Health Ministries director.