Source: The Health Connection Newsletter | 2nd Quarter 2022
General Conference Health Ministries
The I Will Go Ride (see Editorial) ride was a creative way to heed the call of “ I Will Go ,” said South – East Asia Union Mission publishing and health director Pham Nguyen To Phuong, from Vietnam – the only female participant in the ride. She took up cycling five years ago and is now the best female triathlete in her country. She said; “I used to pray, ‘Please, Lord, use my passion for your glory,’ Through this I Will Go Ride trip, God answered my prayer.” This was an opportunity to not only pursue her passion for cycling but make it even more meaningful by taking the opportunity to also make friends along the way and share literature such as the Great Controversy and other books. Seven of the riders were church employees, and five of them pastors, and the whole group represented leaders from South – Pacific Division (SPD), Southern – Asia Pacific Division and General Conference, also promoted health initiatives like SPD’s “10,000 Toes”, NAD’s Adventist Healthy YOU – Pastor’s Health & Wellness, the GC’s new mental health program, Reminded, and the GC Health Ministries website,