General Conference Nutrition Council in Action
Tasmania, Australia | General Conference
The General Conference Nutrition Council (GCNC) had its annual meeting in Tasmania, Australia on March 12-17, 2019. During the first four days, the nutritional experts reviewed papers in preparation for publication of various Nutritional Fact Sheets. They also listened to presentations by experts on current nutritional issues. A unique aspect of the meeting this year was the collaboration with Tasmania Conference to engage in community outreach. The GCNC members were divided in three groups and spread across Tasmania to preach on Sabbath in various churches, and also participate in health expos reaching the community. They helped with screenings, health counseling, food demonstrations and specific presentations covering topics on health and nutrition. Pr. Cosmos – Conference Treasurer and pastor of the Glenorchy SDA Church – along with his wife, organized the Health Expo in Hobart and several church volunteers from neighborhood churches joined in. “This was the most successful health expo we have had so far, with great response from the community,” said Cosmos. “We have a plan to follow up with each one and meet their identified health needs.” Most attendees came from the community asking questions about being healthy and were interested in making lifestyle changes. Many took home free literature and asked to have prayer before leaving. To learn more about GCNC and access the Fact Sheets on Nutrition go to: