March 9-12, 2020 marked a special event – the first of its kind. Directors of denominational Wellness Centers as well as those of supporting ministries met with union and conference HM directors and administrators of their respective territories. In all, 14 wellness centers were represented at this ESD Health Ministries mission-driven initiative. Dr. Peter Landless opened the Summit by live link and Dr. Zeno lead out in the daily workshops and many of the plenary discussions. The objectives of the encounter: support and inspire lay members’ ministry, build collaborative relationships and collegial cooperation among wellness centers, create and strengthen mutual understanding with the denominational leaders at all church administrative levels, and engage in open discussion of “sticky issues” concerning health information, philosophy and practice that are becoming prevalent in our territories. Praise God for the warm and friendly atmosphere, inspirational talks and the fact-based history of our denomination’s health heritage that we had. There was a new spirit among all going forward. We had a blessed outcome and there are plans to continue dialogue and meetings in three months. The plan is to replicate this with the other 19 organizations soon (God and COVID-19 permitting!)
Chernigov, Ukraine | Euro-Asia Division (ESD)