Source: The Health Connection Newsletter | 3rd Quarter 2019
July 9 through 14, 2019 saw 900 delegates from 106 countries converge on Loma Linda University to attend the third Global Conference on Health and Lifestyle. During the five and a half days, there were more than 30 plenary presentations, 22 breakout sessions, music, worship, exercise, food and fellowship! This was a “first” in that we had the privilege of inviting the Special Needs Ministries (also known as Adventist Possibility Ministries) to partner with Adventist Health Ministries for this Global event, adding to the richness and depth of the meeting.
Safeliz and Adventist Health Ministries partnered in the production and launch of the new Hope Bible for healthcare professionals, providers and caregivers. This Bible features wholistic health information with highlighted texts especially for health care providers, and points designed to provide comfort and emotional healing for patients and caregivers alike. Health education resources have been included, making this volume a treasure trove firstly of the riches of God’s Word, and also of credible and trustworthy resources for Comprehensive Health Ministry.
The breakout sessions featured opportunities for professional updates in nursing and dentistry. There was training in Recovery Ministry, and the launch of a new GC Adventist Health Ministries program in Health Coaching. These latter materials and website will be launched toward the end of 2019.
Dr. John Skrzypeszek spoke each day on Heritage, Hope and You… highlighting the rich legacy of instruction and counsel entrusted to the Seventh-day Adventist Church through the writings of Ellen G. White. specially highlighted was the role that Loma Linda has played in nurturing the health work of the Adventist Church. Subsequently other denominational schools of medicine, nursing, hospitals, medical and dental practices have joined in this great work, helping to extend the healing ministry of Jesus Christ throughout a broken world.
It was exciting to see the heritage of the health work at Loma Linda University (LLU) and view the new hospital as it nears completion. The E.G. White Estate Research Center displayed fascinating documents and artefacts highlighting LLU’s journey towards “Making Man Whole.” It was a privilege for Adventist Health Ministries to make use of the excellent conference facilities and enjoy the strong partnership of Loma Linda University in this venture.
Many commented it would be great to meet in this way annually; we think so, too, but, should the Lord tarry, our next such convocation will be in July 2024, God willing. The venue?…Well, just watch this space! Plenary presentations may be viewed on the Adventist Health Ministries Facebook page and on the Health Ministries Library. We pray you will be blessed as so many others have been by these talented presenters!