Health Ministries directors from 22 countries of WAD gathered on April 17-19, 2017, in Abidjan, Cote d’Ivoire, for their Health Ministries and Adventist AIDS International Ministry (AAIM) Advisory. The chair, Dr. Andre Ndaa, was ably assisted by his staff, who made the event very special and hospitable. The agenda was packed with topics relevant to WAD fields: Church Health Institutions: Creation, Role, Accreditation, Networking; planning and organizing of Health Expos; Lifestyle centers: what works and how can sustainability be fostered? Breathe Free 2/ Five-day Plan to Stop Smoking, Youth Alive, Faith Community Nursing and Recovery Ministries in the African context; and the results and opportunities for collaboration with AAIM in the prevention of AIDS and care of its victims. The role of the ICPA in prevention of addiction and at-risk behaviors was highlighted. The Advisory concluded with the expectation that we shall witness an “explosion of wellness” in WAD before long and with it the rapid and effective proclamation of the gospel.