Berlin, Germany | Inter-European Division
Source: The Health Connection Newsletter | 3rd Quarter 2022
Over the weekend of September 10, 2022, Waldfriede Adventist Hospital celebrated 102 years of unbroken service to the citizens of Berlin. Celebrations had been postponed twice because of the COVID-19 Pandemic, so it turned out to be on the 102nd anniversary. Sabbath saw many guests attending the proceedings at the Audimax Auditorium of the Free University of Berlin. Choreographed by the capable CEO Bernd Quoss, there were messages of congratulations from representatives of civil society, government, staff, other health entities, and leaders from the Inter European Division – and General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists. Highlights included heavenly music and a dedication service highlighting the importance of our service to God and humankind – our joy and our duty. There was an open house at the hospital on Sunday with focused health lectures for the public, food, fun, and games for the children, as well as the opportunity to see the inside of an ambulance and other interesting facets of the day-to-day work of a busy hospital. We give God the glory for what He continues to do through Waldfriede Hospital, a true center of excellence regarded as one of the top hospitals in Germany.