Balanced Living, Balanced Teaching

Articles April 1, 2017

Source: The Health Connection Newsletter | 2nd Quarter 2017

It is not easy to maintain balance in a busy life.  But, not being easy does not mean it is not achievable.  Stressful, busy periods of ministering to people may be inevitable and can be manageable in the short-term. But when we don’t take steps to keep the stress levels under control, we can become victims of long-lasting negative consequences.

No matter how much we enjoy and feel called to do what we do, striking a balance between work and our physical, mental, spiritual, and emotional wellbeing is essential. Keeping up stable relationships with friends and family, taking time to engage in fulfilling activities, and taking a break from work (i.e. “coming apart and resting a while,”) is key to maintaining a quality of life that serves God, our constituencies, and ourselves best.

In a similar way, our approach to health ministry teachings and information should be balanced and reasonable. It is far too easy to become lopsided in our thinking or to hold and cherish an extreme position.  Often, we are well-intentioned and “right,” but as mere mortals we can and do fall prey to deceitfully strong opinions on health reform subjects, especially those related to diet.

As we advocate and practice a balanced lifestyle, so we must practice our health reform position and teaching. Health ministry leaders are often confronted by sincere, but sometimes misguided brothers and sisters who hold extreme positions. And we, with righteous indignation, may counteract the unbalanced information by moving so far away from it that we end up on the other extreme.  It is high time we face the extreme views squarely, but let “our speech be always [be] with grace, seasoned with salt, that ye may know how ye ought to answer everyone” (Colossians 4:6).

Ellen G. White is so often misquoted, misrepresented, and even misunderstood, that people take extreme positions based on what they THINK she said. Our best course is to investigate well what she has said about these contentious matters (such as the use of eggs, milk, butter, cheese, flesh foods, coffee, fruits and vegetables together, chocolate, and the like), giving careful consideration and prayerful thought to everything we can find on the matter in her published writings, now freely available online  Knowing what was actually written, we can speak and share from a position of fact rather than conjecture.

We can classify what was given to us by God through Ellen White into three discrete groups of instruction and counsel. The first is what she describes as the IDEAL or the BEST, most beneficial, and most highly desirable. Second is the counsel which considers and recognizes conditions that do not permit the ideal. There are exceptional situations in which there is a reasonable but less-than-ideal solution, or the best that one can do in those circumstances. Third is those summarizing or concluding statements about the matter under study. In following this method of classifying God’s counsel, we do not overstate, diminish, tarnish, or undermine what may be lifesaving counsel to many, and will help us avoid becoming extreme in our own views.

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