On August 18-23 the 40th World Convention of Women’s Christian Temperance Union (WCTU) took place in Ottawa, Canada. Since WCTU’s founding over a century ago, Adventists have been involved in the leadership of this movement, which brings together women across Christian faith traditions. Ellen White herself attended the meetings and urged the church to be supportive and join hands in the temperance movement with love and compassion. At the World congress this year Adventist members and leaders not only attended the meeting, but also led out on presentations and reports. GC HM representatives Dr Peter Landless, Dr Alan Handysides, Dr Katia Reinert and Dr Kiti Frier-Randall taught plenary sessions on effects of e-cigarettes, drug prevention, alcohol among youth, and the effect of drugs on children. GC Women’s Ministries director Heather Dawn-Small also presented. In addition, reports were given by Joy Butler, an
Adventist missionary in Papua New Guinea (PNG) and WCTU 2ND Vice-President, and from other Adventists leaders from PNG, Australia and Africa, demonstrating how important it is for women to reach out for prevention in communities around the world.