Israel Field Pastors Renew Vision for Health Work

News March 31, 2023

Migdalia, Israel|Israel Field

Source: The Health Connection Newsletter | 1st Quarter 2023

Ministerial families in Israel participated in a health retreat on February 18-21,2023, organized by the IsraelField administration. The retreat occurred at the Midgalia Lifestyle Center, near the lake of Galilea, in a beautiful, restful setting close to where Jesus ministered healing to many. According to Pr. Daniel Stojanovic, field president, the retreat’s goal was two-fold: first, to provide an opportunity for pastors and their spouses to consider their own health needs, resting from the demands of the ministry while enjoying nutritious, tasty food, massage, and health consultations. Secondly, time was also dedicated to seminars aimed at renewing the vision and resources for an effective, comprehensive health ministry in the context of the mission in Israel. Plans were developed for collaboration with the center of Jewish friendship to translate and contextualize several health resources for use in Israel. In addition, plans were made to further train pastors and health promoters in coaching skills and addiction recovery programs. Pastors shared about the community needs, and opportunities for meeting the whole person needs of refugees, immigrants workers, as well as native Israelis and Palestinians

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