Church Leaders Renew Commitment to Healthy Lifestyle
Montego Bay, Jamaica | General Conference
On February 1-10, 2019, Adventist church world leaders gathered in Montego-Bay, Jamaica, for their annual leadership conference. This time a major focus of the meeting was on comprehensive health ministry and personal health. Nearly 200 attendees and their spouses representing 13 divisions and Israel field were offered health screening tests before and after the week-long conference. Presentations and group discussion covered various whole health topics each morning, as well as in depth workshop seminars which focused on cardiovascular health, weight management, mental health, nutrition and diabetes. Attendees were offered a total vegetarian diet and encouraged to rest, engage in physical activity daily in the sunshine. At the end of the week they were counseled on their lab results and many had not only lost weight but were happily surprised to learn that their blood pressure and/or cholesterol levels were lower. They left the conference committed not only to implement the principles of health in their life but also to bring a message of healing and hope to the cities using comprehensive health ministry.